July/August 2021

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The Tamburitzans are a group of unique young people who came here each summer from Duquesne University, located In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Their leader Matt Guzay had summered across the lake at the Andy Doran place many times and decided it would be a great place to bring his young singers and dancers for a combination vacation and work.

This would be just the right place for the rehearsals and of the Tamburitzan dancers and to swim and play as well as do their summer rehearsing. This all began the summer of 1947.
After a couple of years, villagers became aware of the cultural significance of these energetic young people and the “Tammies” were asked to perform on the village green behind the auditorium, so that the people of the village could see and hear their whole program.

The Tamburitzans have given their performance here every year and as the interest has spread so widely and the crowds have been getting larger and larger it has become one of the highlights of the summer season.

The sojourns here have even led to the composition of the original song about a popular night spot. “Come to Finell’s” and the bonhester song, a song written by Dick Crum about Lake Nebagamon while he was walking on the beach.

The Tamburitzans were founded in 1937 at Duquesne University. They take their name from the Tamburitza family of stringed instruments indigenous to the folk cultures of southeastern Europe. The group exists for the dual purpose of preserving and perpetuating the Eastern European Cultural heritage in the United States.

The students who make up the performing ensemble come from all parts of America, from various ethnic and religious backgrounds, and may study in any academic area.
They travel thousands of miles throughout the continental United States and Canada, performing 100 concerts within each nine-month season. They have also made seven tours outside the United States.

A Tamburitzans performance is like a vacation in Europe. Through the magic of their music, the youthful troupe takes one into pleasant valleys to see the spinning village dances of the peasant: into the rugged mountain country to witness the high leaps and acrobatics of the mountain folk.

A two-hour musical pageant of Slavic folk music, songs and dances unfolds in rapid-fire sequence weaving a musical fantasy along the entire length of the mighty Danube River.

Brillant and authentic costumes of the peasant folk pour forth in all colors of the rainbow, not in gaudy “showy” fashion, but in a subtle and simple true art form of the people. The Tamburitzans possess what is probably the greatest assemblage of authentic peasant dress in the Western Hemisphere. Hundreds of these individual costumes are utilized in every musical production.
The Tamburitzans sings a dozen different European languages and performs the music and dances of as many countries.

Using the lute-like Tamburitza instruments as the foundation of the troupe, the Tamburitzans have developed what is today the finest Tamburitza ensemble in America. The Tamburitza is supported by other traditional instruments such as the accordion, the clarinet and violin.

The chanting of dissonant voices along with the hypnotic beat of the primitive goatskin drum and the haunting sounds of the shepherd’s flutes add to the unusually interesting quality of their performance.

A whole family of tamburitza instruments grew as a result of these refinements. A “tamburitza ensemble” now consists of various combinations of bass tamburitzas, cello tamburitzas, “braci”
“Bisernice” etc. each fulfilling a function roughly analogous to those of various violins, violas, etc. of a symphony orchestra.

If you are in the area and want to join us in welcoming the famous “Tammies” they will be performing on stage at the Lake Nebagamon Auditorium on Sunday August 8th@ 2pm and Monday August 9th@ 7pm. Pre order tickets available by calling Daisha at the Village Office 715-374-3101, email dnolan@villagelakenebagamon.com or by sending a check to the Nebagamon Community Association, PO Box 442, Lake Nebagamon, Wi 54849. Tickets are $20 each for adults and $10 or kids 10 and under.

History Information above from History of Nebagamon book written by Catherine Coletta, copies available by calling JoAnne @ (218) 390-1832

Thank you to those that participated and or came to enjoy the 4thfest activities this year. Record turn outs at the kids games, parade and on the beach for the fireworks… What a great community we have. Special thank you to the Colletta Family for the use of their property to load the barges for the fireworks and to get the team on the lake to make these festivities have such a great “bang”. There was a wonderful interview online for anyone interested in viewing: https://youtu.be/FAeH6E9QcnI

NCA MEETINGS~ We are keeping our meetings at local businesses, to support them and to welcome anyone to come join in to help set up the upcoming events. If you have any interest, care to volunteer, just want to give some feedback on what you would like to see then please join us (President David Dinda~ Vice President Mike Ross ~ Secretary Lindsey Wilson~ Treasurer Patti Coughlin): Third Tuesday each Month July 20 Aug 17 Sept 21

We are looking for vendors interested in setting up a table for a weekly farmers market downtown Nebagamon beginning Saturday August 7 (thru September 11) from 8am-noon. Send an email or return form attached from last page of newsletter to NCA, PO Box 442, Lake Nebagamon Wi 54849 nebagamoncommunityassociation@gmail.com

SUMMER CLEAN UP~ Helping clean up some areas in the Village and provide some fun times we are seeking volunteers now to help with some outdoor painting, staining, and cleaning. Contact Patti @ 715-817-2643 or email nebagamoncommunityassociation@gmail.com if this is reaching out to you to show your talents and want to work as a team to show pride for our amazing community.

September 19 is the date set for a bi-course (Bottens and Norwood) golf tourney to raise funds for “2022” 4thfest activities. Please save the date and join in this event as we need to start over with our funds to keep providing Lake Nebagamon with the events and activities in years to come. These events are expensive so to continue doing this we need to be sure to keep things alive!! More details to come…. Watch for posters and internet updates.

MISSION STATEMENT: To welcome new businesses, community groups and citizens of Lake Nebagamon, Wi to participate in the promotion of the community. Our objective is to work together to inform Lake Nebagamon, Wi area of local news.


DONATIONS: If you would like to donate paper so we may continue to have our newsletter contact the village office (715-374-3101) or Patti Coughlin at Dockside (715-374-2334). If you are interested in receiving an email copy of the newsletter monthly send request in email to: nebagamoncommunityassociation@gmail.com

Billy Harvey’s Brush Dump is Open!
In order to allow village residents to appropriately handle yard debris the Village Board has renewed the agreement with Billy Harvey. The brush dump will be open for Lake Nebagamon residents until May of 2022. This is for vegetative debris ONLY.
7950 S County Road S Turn up the hill by the old Budweiser truck For more information, call Billy Harvey at 715-817-0249.

Come and join in the fun at the Lake Nebagamon Auditorium Saturday August 14.

Whoever thinks that corn can not be raised here should see the samples brought in by Mr. Archibald, grown at the end of town towards Lake Minnesuiung. They will compare favorable with Iowa or Illinois corn anytime.

Soren Anderson left us a bunch of rye cut from his field just east of the lake. The head are fully developed, the berry plump and perfect. Those who think we can not raise grain will do well to call and see the sample. It is the best evidence of the productiveness of our soil and will convince the most skeptical that we have certainly of a great farming future close at hand.
Persons wishing pickles or sauerkraut for winter use, can have them put up – $2.50 per 15 gallon kegs at the A. Roberts farm, 1 ½ miles southeast of the lake.
According to statistics, the town of Nebagamon has produced 5000# of butter during 1899, 365 bushels or potatoes, 805 bushels of root vegetables, and 95 tons of hay.

Thank you to the local business’ here that support and help the NCA with printing expenses for our monthly newsletter. Please support our community.

Have you been on the NEW AND IMPROVED village website? What a great update and so easy to navigate around.
https://villagelakenebagamon.com/ The Village Board meets the SECOND Tuesday of each month. As always, it takes a Village.

Dear Friends, our night out for literacy is back this year. We too, have felt the effects of covid, not being about to have our major fundraiser. We are asking your help (if you are able) to donate themed baskets, wine, beer, gift cards etc. for our silent auction. Please call Maureen 715-817-0200 if you can donate. We will be able to accept donations the second week of July. Thank you in advance for whatever you can do.